God longs for us men to love Him and that this love be also expressed in a special worship and veneration.

We can imagine what it is like when we ourselves are filled with love and want to share this love with others… And if we, who are so imperfect, are urged to transmit this love to others, how much more our Father, who is the very source of love! In fact, the worship and veneration that God the Father asks for, have as their profound aim that our hearts turn to Him and that we discover and correspond to the true sense of our existence. Read More


How much has our Father cared for us in opening to us the ways of salvation! His treasures are always accessible to us. Unfortunately, we often pass by without taking advantage of them, and all too often the Lord remains alone in the tabernacle, unvisited. Yet He waits longingly for us to come and thus allow Him to bestow His blessings upon us. What an immense value has the Holy Mass, which makes present the sacrifice of Jesus’ infinite love on the Cross: “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps 34:9). Read More


How incomparably does the love of God shine forth on the cross:

The love of the Father, who sent His Son to redeem us; the love of the Son for His Father and for us men; the love of the Holy Spirit, who reveals this event of love more deeply to us and makes it present in us.

“But as for me, it is out of the question that I should boast at all, except of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ”, exclaims St Paul (Gal 6:14). Read More


In His compassion, our Father embraces our entire reality. As Creator he has granted us a wonderful existence as human beings, which we must live fully in His grace. He always invites us to receive everything from His hand, so that we can lead a life that corresponds to our vocation. Our Father has thought of us from all eternity, and when the time came to call us into existence, He lovingly pronounced his creative “Yes”. If we were more aware of this, that God-given peace would always dwell in our hearts. Read More


“You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” (Confessions, i, 1, 1).

St. Augustine, the tireless seeker of God, left us these wonderful words. Whatever we try to fill our heart with, it will never find true peace or true happiness until it opens itself to the love of God. It is only for this love that it was created! Read More


The great longing for peace which dwells in the hearts of so many people can be realised if they turn to the true source of peace. First of all, it is necessary to be at peace with God, living according to His will. This He offers us in His Son, through whom “He wanted to reconcile all things to him, everything in heaven and everything on earth, by making peace through His death on the cross” (Col 1:20). To his disciples He says: “My own peace I give you” (Jn 14:27). Read More