My divine friend (Part 3)

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What I have yet to tell you is that my Friend “sheds a ray of light divine” and tears the dark night. That is also what He did for me. His radiant light illuminated my life and led me to Jesus, our Saviour – I can never thank Him enough!

But He is not content with enlightening and leading me, a poor man, to salvation. He radiates His light into this world so that all people may recognise the Messiah whom the Heavenly Father has sent to us. Read More


355th Meditation

“I shall speak of your instructions before kings and will not be shamed” (Ps 119:46).

Do we have the courage to speak publicly about our faith, professing it as it is? Or have we already been intimidated by the increasingly anti-Christian spirit of this world, which, if possible, would like to banish Christian witness altogether? What would happen if we were brought before the civil authorities, before the “kings” of this world? Would we lose our courage? Read More