82nd Meditation on God the Father

“When Israel was a child I loved him, and I called my son out of Egypt. But the more I called, the further they went away from me; they offered sacrifice to Baal and burnt incense to idols” (Hos 11:1-2).

This is the drama that our Father experiences so often. It runs through the whole of human history, and it is particularly painful when it is the people of Israel who are the protagonists. The verses that follow this passage from the Prophet Hosea show us how tenderly God calls His own and how He is always ready to forgive them. But it is with sorrow that He has to note that the more He calls them and shows them His love, the more His people turn away from Him and offend Him with their aberrations. Read More


79th Meditation on God the Father


“You will never feel truly free nor truly happy until you recognize Me as your Father and submit to My yoke, to be true children of God, your Father” (Message of God the Father to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

When we think we can achieve freedom and happiness outside of God’s holy commandments, we find ourselves in the greatest deception. It is Lucifer’s deception, which makes people believe that they can determine their life according to their own ideas and that everything will turn out well. The opposite is the case! Read More


77th Meditation on God the Father

“Seek souls who will commit themselves wholeheartedly for My glory and honour, and who will willingly give Me this resting place.” (Message of God the Father to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio)

When we have opened the doors of our heart to the Heavenly Father and He gives Himself to us, when we begin to enjoy the delight of intimate communion with Him, then our Father turns our gaze to other people, for they too are called to share in this unspeakable grace of living as true children of God. Read More


76th Meditation on God the Father

“What do I desire to achieve with this work of love, if not to find hearts able to understand Me?” (Message of God the Father to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio)

During the last few days, we spoke in the “3 minutes for Abba” about the human heart, which the Lord knows even in its most remote corners. In the short passage we heard today from the Father’s Message, we are told that He is looking for hearts that are able to understand Him. Read More


74th Meditation on God the Father

“You created my inmost self, knit me together in my mother’s womb. For so many marvels I thank you; a wonder am I, and all your works are wonders” (Ps 139:13-14).

Can we utter this thanksgiving to God with a free heart and in one voice with the psalmist? We should be able to, because our Father put all His love into creating man, and this counts for each and every one of us. Read More