457th Meditation

“In your constant goodness you have always sought out man. In Paradise you exclaimed, ‘Adam, where are you?’” (Praise of the Blessed Trinity).

This was our Father’s response to the painful fall of human being, the consequence of which was that sin proliferated and all future generations had to live under the shadow of original sin, except for the Virgin Mary, whom You preserved from the stain of sin so that she could be the bridge across which the Redeemer would come into the world.

“Adam, where are you?” is the cry that rises from the depths of a loving Father’s Heart throughout the centuries; a cry that continues to resound unceasingly to this day. Our Father is always searching for His children. To redeem them, He sent His Son to become man, to “seek and to save the lost” (Lk 19:10).

Our Father has not abandoned us and will never do so. Even when a person turns his back on Him, He does not withdraw His love from them, but seeks and waits for them as long as possible. Only human beings can close themselves to this love – as happened to the fallen angels – and become Obstinate in their closed-mindedness.

In our reflections on God the Father, we encounter again and again the love of God, who unceasingly seeks out human beings and wants to convince them in a thousand ways that their true happiness lies in the fact that they have a Father in heaven, whose great happiness is that we convert and return to Him, so that He can celebrate with us the eternal “homecoming feast” of His lost son.

Our Father wants to heal us of all the consequences of the painful loss of Paradise: He gives us His closeness, through His Son He opens to us all the sources of grace, especially that of forgiveness, He leads us to eternity where we will lack nothing, because God has made up for everything in which we humans have failed.

For our part, we only have to give our consent to the way our Father wants to lead us, in order to remain in His grace. Then we will be able to exclaim with unceasing joy, “Father, you have sought us and found us; here we are!”