Today’s meditation is a continuation of the one given yesterday. I am quoting from the testimony of Monsignor Caillot, the bishop responsible for Sr. Eugenia at the time.

Msgr. Caillot:

The precise object (of the mission which would appear to have been entrusted to Mother Eugenia) is to make God the Father known and honoured, mainly by the institution of a special feast which has been requested of the Church. The enquiry established that a liturgical feast in honour of the Father would be quite in keeping with Catholic practice as a whole. It would accord with the traditional thrust of Catholic prayer, which ascends to the Father, through the Son, in the Spirit, as shown by the prayers of the Mass and the liturgical oblation to the Father during the Holy Sacrifice.

However, it is strange that there is no special feast in honour of the Father. The Trinity is honoured as such, the Word and the Holy Spirit are honoured by their mission and external manifestations. Only the Father has no feast of His own which would draw the attention of the Christian people to His Person.

(…) A liturgical feast dedicated to God the Father would have the effect of raising our eyes towards the One Whom the apostle St. James called “the Father of light, from Whom every gift comes…” It would accustom souls to consider God’s goodness and His fatherly providence. They would realize that this providence is truly that of God the Holy Trinity, and that it is because of His divine nature, common to all three Persons, that God spreads through the world the ineffable treasures of His infinite mercy.

Might not such a feast call people, then, “from within”, to worship the Father Who hides Himself, and to offer themselves in a filial and generous oblation to the Father, the only source of the life of the Holy Trinity in them?

May the Bishop’s words encourage us to persist in asking for the institution of such a feast!