“Listening to the Spirit is the greatest wisdom; living in intimacy with Him is a source of joy” (Interior Word).

Who could guide us better than the Holy Spirit? It is He who grants us the gifts of sanctification and unfolds them in us. It is He who teaches us to understand things in the light of God. It is He who opens our eyes and ears so that we can truly see and hear.

Jesus speaks of the Spirit whom the Father will send us in His name to remind us of all that He has said and done (cf. Jn 14:26).

Therefore, it is proper to the virtue of prudence to seek Him. The Apostle John tells us in one of his letters: “The anointing which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in him” (1 Jn 2:27).

St. John speaks these words in the context of his warnings about the coming of the Antichrist. In fact, it is the Holy Spirit who will warn the faithful against false doctrine and urge them to remain in the true doctrine entrusted to the Church.

At the same time that this marvelous gift sent by the Father gives us a clear light on our path so that we may arrive safely at the goal, He also warms our hearts to make us capable of love. The intimate friendship with the Holy Spirit, the daily contact with Him, becomes for us a source of joy that never ceases. It is a joy in God himself, because the Holy Spirit never tires of reminding us of the loving reality of God and of crying out in us: “Abba, beloved Father” (Gal 4:6). In this way He communicates to us the true image of God as the Father who loves us infinitely. And this certainty is enough to make us rejoice!