373rd Meditation

 To know, honour and love the Father…

If we look into the Heart of our Heavenly Father and trust in Him fully awakens in us, we will soon discover what is the infinitely great desire of this Heart. His deepest longing is to fill us with His love, and this love extends to all people, without exception. How much He desires that all should know Him in His Fatherly goodness!

Even looking at it from the human perspective, this should be more than understandable to us, for we too wish and pray for the best for those entrusted to our care, and we fear for them when they are in danger of being lost.

But the burning desire of our Creator and Redeemer to lead His own to their eternal abode far surpasses our human capacity to love. I dare say that there is nothing more important to God.

Therefore, perhaps the greatest love we can show Him is to put ourselves at the service of this desire of His, allowing ourselves to be inflamed and moved by it, in every way entrusted to us.

How tirelessly the Apostle Paul laboured to lead people to Christ! How willing the missionaries were to bring the Gospel even to the remotest corners and at great sacrifice! What do the Scriptures tell us? “There is rejoicing among the angels of God over one repentant sinner” (Lk 15:10).

I am not surprised that, having come to the end of this series of fifteen meditations on how to know, honour and love the Heavenly Father more deeply, this great desire of the Heart of God is again on the table. Although our Father possesses fullness in Himself and has no lack of anything, because He is infinitely happy in the relationship of love between the Persons of the Holy Trinity, He has a great longing to share this love with His children.

I would ask all who listen to my meditations to pray for this intention and to cooperate in whatever way they can so that this holy longing of our Father may become a reality throughout the earth. Salvation must be offered to all people through Jesus Christ, so that they may return to their Father’s house.