359th Meditation

To know, honour and love the Father…

In the Message to Mother Eugenia Ravasio, which played an essential role in bringing about these “3 minutes for Abba”, the Father repeatedly invites us to know, honour and love Him. If we do so, He will be able to grant us more and more all that He has in store for us.
In order to honour and love our Father as He deserves, it is necessary that we first get to know Him even more deeply. In the first instance, we must better grasp His love and His goodness. To do this, it will be helpful for us to become aware again and again of how lovingly He takes care of our lives, both natural and supernatural. We must internalize with gratitude this solicitous Providence. By thanking Him every day, we become aware of God’s action and internalize it in our consciousness, so that we can counteract our forgetfulness of the Father’s goodness.

Moreover, daily meditation on His Word in Sacred Scripture should help us to better understand His great “love letter” to humanity and thus bring us closer to Him. Every word that comes from God’s mouth is capable of revealing to us more and more of His loving presence.

The Virgin Mary moved in her heart the words spoken by her divine Son (cf. Lk 2:51b), and thus her knowledge of God grew. A profound knowledge of the Scriptures, which must be read with the heart, will increase our knowledge of God.

Also devout participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the reception of Holy Communion, as well as the other sacraments, is a wonderful gift in our life, which will help us to understand better how the Lord comes down to us day by day to assure us of His love. We must learn to understand more and more this language of God.