506th Meditation

On our way of following Christ, we have to deal with our weaknesses again and again. Often we do not succeed in overcoming them as we would like to and, despite our sincere efforts, they catch up with us. Sometimes we fall into sin, and then feelings of despair may even arise because we are simply not able to resist the temptations.

But at such times the Holy Spirit brings to mind the words of Jesus: “Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened” (Mt 11:28). And so we hasten to Him, to receive forgiveness from His Heart, which is always open to us.

In the Message, the Father addresses these hopeful words to us:

“I know My creatures’ weaknesses! Come to Me, come with confidence and love! I will forgive you after you have repented. Even if your sins were as repulsive as mud, your confidence and your love will make Me forget them, so you will not be judged! I am just, it is true, but love pays for everything!

Listen, My children, let us make a comparison, and you will be assured of My love. For Me, your sins are like iron, and your acts of love like gold. If you gave Me a thousand pounds of iron, it would not be like giving Me just ten pounds of gold! In other words, with just a little love, great iniquities can be expiated”.

This invitation that the Father makes to us encourages us not to let ourselves be confused after the defeats we suffer. The Father knows our abysses, but He also sees our efforts to overcome them. If with love “great iniquities can be expiated”, we should not become obsessed with our shadows, without, however, relativising or justifying them. Rather, let us accept His invitation to trust and love. This is how we gather true gold for our Father.