508th Meditation

“Taste the sweetness of this health-giving water, and when you have felt all its delicious power in your souls satisfying all your needs, come and cast yourselves into the ocean of My charity, so as to live only in Me, to die to yourselves and to live eternally in Me” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

In the last meditation we spoke of the goodness of our Heavenly Father poured into our souls. In the passage we have just heard from the message to Mother Eugenia, there is talk of the sweetness of God’s healing waters. It is a sweetness that our soul perceives, even if our emotional realm does not immediately identify it as such. But we will be strengthened from within to do all that has been entrusted to us, and all our needs will be met.

Our Father invites us to have this inner experience that He has prepared for us. We only have to come to Him and receive His love. Even if it is a long journey, because we are often still closed in on ourselves, each invocation of the Lord’s name will melt more and more the layer of ice that surrounds our heart.

And then the Lord invites us to taste forever the sweetness of His love and to give ourselves completely to Him.

Indeed, the more we encounter the love of our Father, the more we are drawn to Him and the more we taste His sweetness, the more we will be able to forget ourselves. For it is this love that we will be able to enjoy unreservedly in eternity as our great bliss. Until then, this love will have penetrated us completely. Our Father invites us to taste this love from now on and to live in it.