401st Meditation

“My love for My creatures is so great that I have no greater joy than that of being among them” (Message of the Father to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio).

These are words that the Heavenly Father addresses to Mother Eugenia; words of a God full of love, who longs to live with human beings in that communion for which He created them.

His words refer to each and every person. In another part of the Message, the Father emphasizes that His love embraces everyone, without exception. He calls all people to turn to Him and to accept His love. Through His Son, the Father has revealed His love to us in a way that does not allow us to simply pass by, even though this happens so often. Unfortunately, there are people who exclude themselves from this great love. In the worst case, this means damnation, and thus eternal separation from God.

It is all the more important, therefore, that we assimilate in the depths of our hearts God’s desire to live in communion with us, and that we give our Father this joy: that of offering Him a heart that is always open to His presence. May the Lord always be able to speak to us, may He always find us vigilant and ready to enter into dialogue with Him. He has so much to tell us, and the closer our friendship with Him becomes, the more He will be able to confide to us what He carries in His Heart.

The more intimate the exchange of love, the more we will make this desire of the Father our own, so that it becomes a mission of love, because we know very well that God loves and seeks each person as much as He loves us.

Mission thus becomes a participation in God’s longing for His creatures. And if we can help just one person to begin to correspond to God’s love and consciously enter into communion with Him, there will be great joy in heaven (cf. Lk 15:7) and we can be sure that the Father will thank us for it.