429th Meditation

“You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” (Confessions, i, 1, 1).

St. Augustine, the tireless seeker of God, left us these wonderful words. Whatever we try to fill our heart with, it will never find true peace or true happiness until it opens itself to the love of God. It is only for this love that it was created!

The Father tells it to us with the following words in the Message to Mother Eugenia:

“Man will not enjoy true happiness except with his Father and Creator, because his heart is made for Me alone.”

Unfortunately we men have often not yet understood this. How often we wander aimlessly to find this peace! But if we do not seek it in the relationship with God, the heart remains unsatisfied. We try to fill it with substitutes, so that they come to take the place of God in our heart, but only a great inner emptiness remains.

If, on the other hand, we open our heart to our Father and give it to Him so that He can enter and dwell in it, then the very depths of our soul will be filled by Him. Thus we will find that peace which comes from living according to His holy Will and which unites us with all those who also fulfill it.

This is the true kingdom of peace, intended for all men. In this way, people become brothers in the heart of our heavenly Father. This peace is indestructible, and, if we remain faithful to God, it will be a source of constant inner joy.