253rd Meditation

“You knew me through and through, my being held no secrets from you, when I was being formed in secret, textured in the depths of the earth” (Ps 138:15).

When we were marked with the cross of ashes, we heard the words: “Remember, you are dust, and unto dust you shall return” (cf. Gen 3:19). These are words that place us in our full creaturehood, for from God we come and to Him we return. Our body will be transformed for eternal life. This is another of the works of our loving Father that we still await, for “this mortal nature must put on immortality” (cft.1 Cor 15:54).

The psalm verse we have heard reminds us that God has always had us in mind. We can say that we have always existed “in the thoughts of God”, until the day came when He fashioned us, giving us an earthly form in our mother’s womb.

What an uplifting word! God has loved us “with an everlasting love”, as Scripture testifies (Jer 31:3). From everlasting! We were never “unwanted children” or an “accident”. We have always been that unique and unrepeatable person whom God created because He willed it, because He loved us and wanted to make us sharers in His glory.

If on our life’s journey we sometimes feel lost and misplaced, if we are unable to recognise our value and our purpose in this world, we need only turn to our Father. We need only remember that He has loved us from all eternity and that our existence is an expression of that love. Then the negative thoughts, which are null and void and false, will dissipate, for the truth is the opposite.

Our Father takes every opportunity to show us His love.

You and I have the same origin and the same goal. We come from our Father and to Him we return. On the way to that goal, we must realise in our lives what we truly are: beloved children of our Heavenly Father.

And if our hearts accuse us of not living up to this grace that God bestows on us, if we weep at our unworthiness and think that perhaps God has turned away from us, let us remember that He not only created us out of love; He also redeemed us out of love.

Our Father wants the love with which He has always looked upon us to reach its fullness. All we have to do is trust Him and walk the path He has laid out for us. It is not difficult!