Reflection on the testimony of Roy Schoeman

The Western Wall

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It is a great consolation to hear that, also in our time, God intervenes in an extraordinary way in the life of a person, just as it happened with Roy Schoemann. God is free to enter at any time into a person’s life, even of a non-believer, and to lead him to faith! This may inspire our prayers, because certainly behind Roy’s conversion were also the prayers of the faithful! Read More

Questions to Mr. Schoeman

Jerusalem view from Dominus Flevit Church

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After having heard the testimony of Roy Schoemann, we want to add two questions that we posed to him in the framework of the interview, which was recorded in Jerusalem.

Tomorrow we will then reflect about what we have heard during the last three days. Hopefully the Lord will let us receive good fruits and spiritual benefit from this theme!

Mr. Schoeman, I would like to ask you a question. You are Jew and a member of the Catholic Church. Are you still looking to yourself as a Jew?

I consider myself as a Jew in the Catholic Church. I was Jewish before I became a follower of the Jewish Messiah. Why would I no longer be a Jew by following the Jewish Messiah? On the contrary, this makes me more Jewish than ever!

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The conversion of Roy Schoeman, Part 2

“Suddenly, I was left alone with the most beautiful young lady I could have imagined“ (Testimony of Roy Schoeman)

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In yesterday’s meditation, Roy told us about the decisive experience of his life, when, in a moment of profound anguish and without finding the meaning of existence, God granted him a supernatural grace. It was the light of the Lord which illuminated him and gave him now inner certainty about the great questions of faith. Let us remember that, in that light, Roy recognized the most loving God, who, in His goodness, had accompanied him throughout his life; he understood the value or worthlessness of every action; he knew with certainty that eternal life exists. Read More

Conversion of Roy Schoeman, Part 1


Roy Schoeman

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Having heard St. Paul’s testimony of his wonderful conversion, I would like to introduce Roy Schoeman to all our listeners. Roy also experienced the grace of conversion and enlightenment.

As we have heard from St. Paul, such a testimony is very important, which is why he told it again and again, also as a legitimation for his ministry. He was sent by the Lord. Read More

Mary, the Mother of God

Eighth Christmas Meditation and New Year

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Lk 2, 16- 28

So they hurried away and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. When they saw the child they repeated what they had been told about him, and everyone who heard it was astonished at what the shepherds said to them. As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds went back glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as they had been told. When the eighth day came and the child was to be circumcised, they gave him the name Jesus, the name the angel had given him before his conception. Read More

The unredeemed creation

Seventh Christmas Meditation

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For a long time it has been a tradition that in the nativity scene the grotto of Bethlehem is not only illuminated by the splendour of the Child Jesus, together with Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men from the Orient bring their gifts and adore them: no, even the unreasonable creation is included! They are silent witnesses of the events in Bethlehem! In that way, the presence of the animals gets a deep meaning! Read More

The Dignity of Jesus’ Poverty

Sixth Christmas Meditation

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“You are well aware of the generosity which our Lord Jesus Christ had, that, although he was rich, he became poor for your sake, so that you should become rich through his poverty.” (2Cor 8,9)

A poverty that makes others rich.

That’s how you could describe what happens at Christmas. Read More

The Holy Family

Fifth Christmas Meditation

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The primordial cell of human community, the family, has been strengthened by God the Father through the birth of His Son into a human family and has set its example for us. With His incarnation, God wanted to penetrate all spheres of existence, and the family is first and foremost in an excellent position.

The love between man and woman, so aptly described by Saint Paul, allows us to glimpse the mystery of the love between God and the soul (cf. Eph 5,24-25.32). Read More

The Child

Fourth Christmas Meditation

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The Lord is born as a child! God has chosen this way to come close to us and also to make Himself understandable for us! The child awakens joy, tenderness and love as well as the need to protect it! No one is afraid of a child! Even otherwise closed people can often meet children freely!

The child can awaken the best in people!

It is like a memory – especially in the very early phase – which still tells us something about paradise, about the original innocence of man, even if original sin leaves its shadow in every human being! Read More

The Shepherds

Third Christmas Meditation

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The shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem receive the message of the angels with joy and hurry to the new-born child! They are simple people who, in their simplicity of heart, understand the importance of this message and are surely overwhelmed by the holiness of the events in the Grotto of Bethlehem!

“And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, you are by no means the least among the leaders of Judah, for from you will come a leader who will shepherd my people Israel.” (Mt 2,6). Read More