Love to God and love to the neighbor

The father speaks to his children, Part 24

The cultivation and growth of love of God is so primary that we know of contemplative monasteries in the Holy Church which, in seclusion, serve God.

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The great theme that runs through the Father’s message is the love of God in two ways. The love of the heavenly Father for us and our love for him.

This theme is particularly important today, even if in the Church it is not uncommon for a primacy of charity and the improvement of this world to come to the fore, and for the cultivation of love for God to be equated with it or even put on the back. There is a kind of change of perspective and man instead of God moves into the centre of attention. Read More

The right relationship with God

The father speaks to his children, Part 23

It is not enough for Me to have shown you My love; I also want to open up My Heart to you, whence a refreshing spring will issue and where all men will quench their thirst.

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In the last meditation we reflected on the source and the ocean of love that the heavenly Father wants to open up for us.

The spring from which living water flows is considered a symbol of the knowledge of God. But we can never know God better than through love, which is his innermost being. “God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him” the Apostle John tells us in his letter (1. Jn 4,16). Read More

Aspects of God´s love

The father speaks to his children, Part 22

I am the ocean of charity, My children

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To all those who follow us daily or occasionally with the meditations.

In the coming days until August 7, I will continue the reflections on the Father’s message that have accompanied us in 21 meditations during Lent until Palm Sunday. August 7th itself is for us – according to the will of our Heavenly Father – an internal celebration, which some other faithful have already included in their lives. The coming reflections are focused on the second part of the Father’s message and are intended to accompany this precious message. Read More

The self-deception, Part 4

The self-knowledge that comes from the Holy Spirit brings consolation, for it leads us to the Cross of Christ, which is the throne of grace where we attain forgiveness and mercy.

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Fr. Sladek’s text on self-deception, which we read in these last three days, showed us how important it is to guard against spiritual blindness and to avoid any pretence in our imitation of Christ. Jesus warns us of this blindness by speaking of the log that we carry in our eye without realizing it (cf. Mt 7,5).

How can a self-deception arise and how can it be overcome? Read More

The self-deception, Part 3

The separation between the ‘head’ and the ‘heart’ is the particular temptation of intellectuals.

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On this day, we will conclude the text of self-deception and spiritual blindness that we had been reading for the last few days. Afterwards, it will be necessary to mention some conclusions and recommendations about the causes that favor self-deception and how we can wake up from it. This is what we will focus on in tomorrow’s reflection. Read More

The self-deception, Part 2

We must not be afraid to recognize ourselves as we are. What should concern us is, that we may still live in some form of blindness.

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As of yesterday, we are reflecting on an important spiritual theme, which should help us to wake up entirely to the truth, so that our following of Christ may be free of illusions and our witness may thus be more effective in the world. It is about “self-deception”…

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The self-deception, Part 1

To recognize oneself in the light of God

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During the next few days, we will treat a very important subject, which could be of great benefit to our way of following Christ: self-deception. We will take as a basis a text written by Father Paulus Sladek OSA. This will be useful in many ways, but first of all it will help us to know ourselves better, which is essential for an authentic spiritual life. On the other hand, the text will also give us guidelines for a more accurate discernment of spirits, so that we can help people who are living in self-deception, be it total or partial. Read More

The dignity of the Holy Mass

Solemnity of Corpus Christi

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Jn 6,51-58

I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world.’ Then the Jews started arguing among themselves, ‘How can this man give us his flesh to eat?’ Jesus replied to them: In all truth I tell you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and I shall raise that person up on the last day. Read More

Retreat of Pentecost, Part 7

O most blessed Light divine, Let Your radiance in us shine, And our inmost being fill

Vigil lamps hanging in the innermost chamber of the Aedicule, in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

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“O most blessed Light divine, Let Your radiance in us shine, And our inmost being fill.”

Here the Holy Spirit is addressed especially as a precious gift of the faithful.

It is an important distinction between people who do not yet know and live the true faith and the faithful. The first are lured and called by the Holy Spirit, and he wants to convince them of the truth of the gospel. Read More

Retreat of Pentecost, Part 6

Comfort in suffering and death

The suffering should be consciously brought into contact with God so that it can be transformed and become a “bright suffering”.

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The name Comforter for the Holy Spirit becomes very meaningful, because it is precisely in times of such tribulation through suffering that the Holy Spirit is present. There is a time of weeping and mourning (cf. Eccl 3,4). This is part of our life and if this were to be completely absent in some people, then we think that they have no heart. Jesus himself wept because of the death of Lazarus (cf. Jn 11,35), he especially wept for Jerusalem because the hour of his gracious coming was not recognized (cf. Lk 19,41), Rachel weeps for her children who were killed (cf. Jer 31,15), etc. Read More