Agnes in the wake of the Lamb

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Scene 12:

THE PREFECT:  I open the last session of this trial for the public and solemn pronouncement of the sentence on the accused.

Arise, accused, and hear the sentence which the Supreme Court of Rome will now pronounce upon you!

In the name of the Godly Emperor, the Holy City of Rome and the Roman people. Accused of high treason and blasphemy is the young virgin Agnes, aged 12, daughter of Honorius Placidus and his wife Laurentia. Read More

Agnes in the wake of the Lamb

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Scene 7:

CLAUDIUS:  I have come to bring public charges against the virgin Agnes, daughter of the patrician Honorius Placidus and his wife Laurentia. I bring charges against this Agnes for blasphemy and high treason. As there is danger of escape, I request immediate arrest.

AMBROSE:  This is how little Agnes, barely 12 years old, was chained and locked up in a dungeon… Read More

Agnes in the wake of the Lamb

Part I

Bride of Christ

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A woman sees a man who looks a little lost…

FAITHFUL:   Are you new here in Milan?

PAULINUS:   Yes, I’ve just come from a long journey and am returning to Rome, but I had to stop here.

FAITHFUL:   You look like a clergyman.


FAITHFUL:         Well, I suppose you don’t want to miss the sermon of our bishop Ambrose today. Hasten, for we are past the third hour. The celebration of the holy mysteries must have begun already! Listen, they are singing the Hallelujah right now!

PAULINUS:   speaking to himself:

Ah, of course, the great Ambrose, bishop of Milan…

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The Maid of Orleans

Part 3: Passion and martyrdom

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For Joan, the hardest part of her mission now came. Now she was to bear the whole burden of the cross, to taste the suffering that no one who is fully at the service of his Lord is spared.

It would not have been enough for the English to simply take Joan captive and then execute her, knowing full well that the French people would have considered her a martyr. This could have even encouraged them in their efforts to continue the liberation of the country! Read More

The Maid of Orleans

Part 2: Joan’s mission

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Now begins the mission of Saint Joan of Arc at the head of the French troops.

Her very presence showed the soldiers and officers that God would intervene concretely in the situation of France. Thus, the population and the combatants regained their courage and bravery, and believed in the mission of the Maiden. Read More

The Maid of Orleans

Part 1: The Call

Joan of Arc immediately recognised the king, even though he disguised himself as one of his courtiers to test her.

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On January 6th I had dedicated a part of the meditation to St. Joan of Arc, because it was her birthday. Last year on 16 May we had celebrated the centenary of her canonisation. For us – who write these daily meditations – this was a great celebration, because we are very much connected to this saint in many ways. Over the next three days we want to repeat last year’s transmissions. Saint Joan, the Maiden of Orleans, is the best documented person of the Middle Ages. Her mission is more than extraordinary! Read More

Song to Saint Michael the Archangel

Download Song “Sancte Michael Archangele”

Dear friends,

Today, on the day of the holy angels, in connection also with the meditation of the day and the Balta-Lelija writing, we send you a new song. The melody comes from the traditional monastery of “Our Lady of Guadalupe” and may sound at first a little bit unfamiliar for some. Read More

The Maid of Orleans

Part 3: Passion and martyrdom

Joan of Arc burning at the stake in Rouen (Painting in the Basilica of Domrémy)

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For Joan, the hardest part of her mission now came. Now she was to bear the whole burden of the cross, to taste the suffering that no one who is fully at the service of his Lord is spared.

It would not have been enough for the English to simply take Joan captive and then execute her, knowing full well that the French people would have considered her a martyr. This could have even encouraged them in their efforts to continue the liberation of the country! Their aim was therefore to prove publicly that Joan was a heretic and a witch who had achieved her victories through an alliance with the devil. Read More

The Maid of Orleans

Part 2: Joan’s mission

Joan of Arc enters Orléans (Painting in the Basilica of Domrémy)

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Now begins the mission of Saint Joan of Arc at the head of the French troops.

Her very presence showed the soldiers and officers that God would intervene concretely in the situation of France. Thus, the population and the combatants regained their courage and bravery, and believed in the mission of the Maiden.

Her presence was so impressive that many people saw her as an angel of God. Read More

The Maid of Orleans

Part 1: The Call

Joan recognizes the king (Painting in the Basilica of Domrémy)

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Today, 16 May, we celebrate the centenary of the canonization of Saint Joan of Arc. For us, who prepare these daily meditations, this is a great feast, because we are very united to this saint in many ways. Therefore, we want to dedicate the meditations of the next three days to her. There will be a lot to tell, because Saint Joan, the Maid of Orleans, is the best documented person of the Middle Ages. Her mission is more than extraordinary! We also hope to glorify in this way God, our Father, who so gifted this saint, who, unfortunately, is often misunderstood. Furthermore, we are convinced that the mission of St. Joan of Arc is of great importance, especially in our difficult times. Read More