An open heart

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Mk 12:35-37

While teaching in the Temple, Jesus said, ‘How can the scribes maintain that the Christ is the son of David?  David himself, moved by the Holy Spirit, said: The Lord declared to my Lord, take your seat at my right hand till I have made your enemies your footstool. David himself calls him Lord; in what way then can he be his son?’ And the great crowd listened to him with delight.  Read More


358th Meditation

“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Ps 22:1).

These are the words of Psalm 22 that Jesus pronounces shortly before He dies.

Our Father never forsook Him, but because Jesus bore all the sin of this world and nailed it to the Cross, God allowed Him to experience “in the flesh” the full weight of estrangement from God, that terrible inner state of being excluded from love and true life, “like the slaughtered lying in the grave” (Ps 88:5). Read More