79th Meditation on God the Father


“You will never feel truly free nor truly happy until you recognize Me as your Father and submit to My yoke, to be true children of God, your Father” (Message of God the Father to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

When we think we can achieve freedom and happiness outside of God’s holy commandments, we find ourselves in the greatest deception. It is Lucifer’s deception, which makes people believe that they can determine their life according to their own ideas and that everything will turn out well. The opposite is the case!

But a merely formal observance of God’s commandments is not enough either. In order to awaken to the full reality and to find his true vocation, man must have an authentic encounter with his Father and from then on cultivate a living relationship with Him.

Man’s vocation consists in living as a true child of God. This implies recognising his heavenly Father. As long as this does not happen, a shadow remains over human life. He lacks the essential: to understand the reason for his existence and the ultimate meaning of his life, in order to live in accordance with it.

In this sense, it becomes all the more important to proclaim the love of our Father, without omitting anything. At the same time, every attempt to build a society without God must be countered, for it not only lacks its deepest meaning, but also leads to misfortune.

We cannot allow people to fall into their illusions!

The reality is that the Heart of the Father of all people is wide open, and is so great that all mankind has room in it, and only therein can they find true peace and true happiness.

Although we are in danger of considering the detachment of a large part of humanity from God as a fact and of becoming accustomed to it, we must become aware that it is an illness that urgently needs to be cured. The Father’s love is the remedy! By recognising it and allowing ourselves to be loved by Him, we will find true freedom and true happiness.