351st Meditation

It is important for the Lord that we know Him as He really is. Jesus Himself tries again and again to convey to us the true image of the Father. Indeed, it is only when we have the right image of Him that we can live in a trusting relationship with Him, just as He has intended for us. Then the joyful reality that God’s light spreads in this world shines forth, and Jesus’ words become a reality: “You are light for the world” (Mt 5:14).

But how do we come to this trusting relationship with God and how do we get rid of any mistaken image of Him? Through the Message to Mother Eugenia, the Father offers us a very understandable help:

“Your heart is therefore as sensitive as Mine, and Mine as yours! What would you not do if one of your neighbours did you a small favour to please you? The most insensitive man would be grateful to such a person for ever. Anyone would try to find something that would give the greatest pleasure, in recompense for the service performed. Well, I will be much more grateful to you, assuring you of eternal life, if you will do Me the small favour of honouring Me as I request.”

Each of us can understand what gratitude means. If our heart has not been completely dulled, we usually repay good with good. The Lord, who is the source of all good, has planted this in our hearts. And if we, whose capacity to love is often so limited, act like this, how much more God! (cf. Mt 7:11)

In this way, He wants to make us realise how deeply He is connected to us, and to assure us that He will reward even the smallest effort we make for His glory. Thus, the good and luminous sides that we find in the human heart can become the source of a deeper knowledge of God, when we attribute them to Him. At the same time, the gratitude we can feel allows us to conclude how sensitive the Heart of God is. The most beautiful sides of our being refer us to the Creator, for “God created man in the image of Himself, in the image of God He created Him” (Gen 1:27).