279th Meditation

“Your word is well tried, and your servant loves it” (Ps 119:140).

Every word our Father utters springs from His love for us human beings. Seen in this light, the Holy Scriptures are a “love letter” from God to us. This is true even if we find certain things in them difficult to assimilate.

But does not God’s history with us also include all that has fallen into disarray because of the fallen angels and the sins of people? Is it not His love that wants to make us see this? Is it not a sign of His deep fatherly responsibility that He presents the history of salvation to us in all its reality, pointing us again and again to the right way and calling us to follow it?

The well tried word of our Father, which the psalmist praises and loves, conveys clarity and love, fills our hearts, dispels the fog of our thoughts and presents the face of God to us.

St John the Evangelist takes us even further, praising the mystery that the psalmist did not yet know: “The Word became flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory, the glory that he has from the Father as only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth” (Jn 1:14).

Could there be a greater love than this?

Although the psalmist did not yet know Jesus, he finds Him hidden in the Word of God. This word purifies his heart and inflames his love. It awakens his ear every morning (cf. Is 50:4b), inviting him to welcome the wisdom that already awaits him “sitting at his door” (Wis 6:14). There is no falsehood in the word of our Lord, and in this it differs from the abundance of human words.

We have received the grace of encountering the Word made flesh. How much more can we say to our Father: “We love Him who not only speaks to us of You, but in whom You Yourself come to meet us”.