197th Meditation

“Draw me out of the net they have spread for me, for you are my refuge” (Ps 30:5).

The psalmist is not referring here to the net of love, which the Lord’s disciples must cast into the world to win souls for the Kingdom of God.

Rather, he is alluding to the net of evil that the enemies of God set out to ensnare and bring down the man who fears God. In their treachery, they try to seize every opportunity to carry out their sinister plans. No lie is too nasty for them, no vileness too wicked, no deceit too great for them… Every weakness they want to take advantage of in order to achieve their goal!

However, it will happen to them as to all those who rise up against the Lord and His Anointed (Ps 2:2). Their dark plans are vain; their triumphs are Pyrrhic victories. They too, in the end, must serve the Lord and His designs.

For the believer lifts up his eyes to the Lord and He will always pull him out of the net of evil that has been set for him. The children of God have only to seek refuge in their heavenly Father and be watchful that they do not get entangled in the net of the wicked. And even if this should happen to them, God will deliver them and defraud the plans of the Evil One.