‘In my love, I have taken possession of you. You are mine!’ (Inner word).
This is the depth of our Father’s love for us! For His love it is not enough to shower us with blessings and let us know in every possible way how much He cares for us and protects us. No, His love goes far beyond that. Our Father wants to unite with us forever and establish His dwelling place within us. The mystics have described this unification with God in sublime terms, and sometimes they could not even find words for how intoxicated they were with His love.
If even on the human plane lovers often seek the most beautiful expressions to describe the love which has awakened and moved them, how much more will this be true of the soul which encounters the love of her Father and Creator, who is also her Bridegroom! She may become as it were ‘beside herself’.
But the joy is not only on the side of the soul that has found this love, but our Father Himself rejoices greatly when a person willingly accepts His love and He can take possession of them in this love.
Then He will have found someone on earth whom He can trust and to whom He can entrust His love. As He did with Mother Eugenia Ravasio, He will then speak to this soul of His desires and involve her more deeply in His plan of salvation.
She belongs to him. And this belonging to God is the greatest freedom we can achieve here on earth. For our Father, it is a heavenly joy, as He expresses in the Message to Sister Eugenia: ‘My heaven is on earth with you all, o men! Yes, it is (…) in your souls that I look for My happiness and My joy’.
It is this certainty of love that makes the Apostle to the Gentiles exclaim:
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Rom 8:35,37).