“You are mine, and no one can separate you from me” (Inner Word).

“I have called you by name, you are mine” – Sacred Scripture assures us (Is 43:1). The Apostle Paul underlines it: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” (Rom 8:35).

This promise of the Lord is always valid, especially in times of tribulation. It is the solid foundation upon which we can build the house of our life. Only we ourselves can be separated from God by sin, and if we persist in it and do not repent, we can even lose the goal of our existence. But no one else can separate us from our Heavenly Father.

In the Message to Mother Eugenia, our Father invites us to say: “I come from God, my Father, and I return to Him”. If we assimilate these words in the depths of our heart, they will accompany us even when the hour of our death approaches. This is what I experienced with gratitude when one of our sisters died: this profound certainty that we come from God and return to Him. It is in those moments when we no longer have things in our hands, when all external assurances disappear, that these words take on immense value. They give us our deepest and most indestructible identity, for this is the truth: our home is in the love of our Father.

But this phrase is important not only in the last hours of our lives, but in every moment of our existence. We are God’s beloved possession. He watches over us: all the attempts of the Evil One to separate us from Him will be frustrated and in the end will serve to bring us even closer to Him. Our Heavenly Father will never forsake us. Even when we go through hours of meaninglessness and tormenting loneliness, His promise always remains: You are mine!