290th Meditation

“I have deep confidence in my beloved Father in heaven that, in the end, everything will turn out well. Therefore, I await with inner serenity all the things that are coming” (Blessed Ludwig Andritzki).

Blessed Ludwig understood that truth which the Holy Scriptures tell us again and again, but which we are often not yet able to put into practice as we should. Trust in our beloved Father gives us that security which comes not so much from feeling, but which can embrace our whole being. One could say that it is always at an advantage in relation to what may happen. If we see that there is a strong tidal wave approaching, wanting to influence our emotional reality, we have to activate our trust in a very concrete way.

This “activation” means entering into dialogue with our Father, reassuring ourselves once again of His love for us or simply clinging to Him in an act of “naked faith”, without expecting all feelings to subside immediately. In the course of time they will….

If we live with confidence in God, we will be equipped for combat, because the main attack of the enemy of mankind is to shake our confidence in the loving presence of our Father and present us with all kinds of threatening scenarios that could befall us. No doubt there are dangers and misfortunes that could overtake us, but these are already “tamed” beforehand, because we know that, with the Lord, all will be well. Thus, that serenity of which Blessed Louis speaks can penetrate our hearts. Then threats can no longer absorb us in their negative dynamics, but we learn to face them calmly.

Trust in our Father transforms every situation, no matter how hopeless it may seem, into an opportunity for God to glorify Himself and to strengthen our faith.

Trust in our Father is like the wise master of a house, who knows how to protect it from thieves and is never unprepared when they come (Mt 24:43).

Therefore, day by day we must put this trust in the Father into practice, taking every opportunity to deepen it. This will please our Father, for in this way He will be able to draw us ever more closely to His Heart and live in greater intimacy with us.