“Why should the Lord deny you anything when you give Him everything?

These words do not in any way reflect a kind of commercial relationship with God; that is, it is not a question of claiming as a right from the Lord all that He owes me on the basis of my own devotion and availability. Rather, it is a profound mystery of love between God the Father and us.

Today’s words convey to us the naturalness of the relationship of love between the Creator and His creature, or, better still, between the Heavenly Father and His children, and even more, the relationship of friendship between God and those who serve Him unreservedly.

With these words, the Lord wants to remove any doubt from our hearts, because it is very important to Him that we trust in Him. In fact, trust is the key to an intimate relationship with God. Against this background, today’s words take on all their splendor. It would be unthinkable that our Father would deny us something that would serve our salvation, something that would increase our love for Him, something that would allow us to understand His mercy more deeply… In His generosity, the Lord often grants us even our small and great desires, which please our hearts and do not harm us, so that we may gratefully experience His solicitous love.

When our hearts are inflamed with love for God, and when loving and trusting dialogue with our Father has become natural to us, we will almost automatically learn to love what God loves most, and our desires will be more and more permeated by the Holy Spirit. In this way, we will become more and more detached from passing things because our inner focus will have changed.

We begin to live in God and He in us. Then we will be able to answer the first question: Yes, Lord, I see more and more how infinitely good you are.