306th Meditation
“Who can detect his own failings? Wash away my hidden faults” (Ps 19:13).
Our Heavenly Father’s concern for our eternal salvation covers not only the realm of sin and bad attitudes that we are aware of and can work to overcome; it also includes all those spheres of which we are unaware and which nevertheless have an effect within us.
A verse in the Pentecostal Sequence reads:
“O most blessed Light divine,
May that light within us shine
And our inmost being fill!
Where you are not, we have naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint and ill”.
The depths of our existence, which are often unfathomable to us, can be illuminated and touched by the Spirit of God if we open them to Him through prayer. He may then make us aware of this or that, thus giving us a deeper self-knowledge, which, in turn, will enable us to turn away from wrong attitudes, to consciously bring before God the faults He has allowed us to recognise and to ask for forgiveness.
But there will probably still be spheres that remain in the dark for us. Before God, however, they are not hidden; they are in full light. Our Father, in His goodness, will willingly listen to our plea to cleanse us of hidden faults. Thus, we distance ourselves with our will from all these unconscious areas and place them under the lordship of God.
Our Father will make the presence of the Holy Spirit effective in us, healing us to the depths of our soul.
Our Father omits absolutely nothing so that our lives can be penetrated by His love. The psalm verse we heard today is an invitation to an even deeper encounter with God.