299th Meditation

“In God whose word I praise (…), in God I put my trust and have no fear; what can mortal man do to me?” (Ps 56:10-11).

Nowhere will we find true peace and security as long as the word of our Father does not become our daily food. In all situations that come our way, the Word of the Lord will nourish us. If we give ourselves unreservedly to our Father, we will know how to accept even the difficult situations in our lives from His hand, so that they will be transformed from within. Although such situations are normally capable of subjugating us, this will not happen if our soul is united to God. Since our Father is the Lord of every circumstance in our existence, trust can emerge even in the midst of the thicket that wants to engulf us.

What is essential is that we internalise His Word and, in the power of the Holy Spirit, counteract those fears that want to confuse us. In this way, the soul is straightened out, its despondency is put aside and courage is regained.

This is especially important when we feel threatened by people, whether it is a real threat or whether our fears and imaginations perceive it as such. Our Father wants us to live in the freedom of the children of God and not in fear of other people. We will obtain it if we remain anchored in Him and do not allow people to exercise any dominion over us, for this power belongs to God alone. In this way we get rid of human respects, which are a great evil because they create dependencies that paralyse us and place an unbearable yoke on us.

People – whoever they may be – are and will remain creatures, who must never take the place of God in our lives. Even those who exercise legitimate authority in God’s name are never God Himself, but only His servants, who can err. We owe them obedience, but not absolute obedience. The latter we owe only to our Father.

“What can mortal man do to me?”

If the Word of the Lord dwells in us and we trust in Him, human beings will not be able to penetrate to the depths of our soul and take hold of it, even if they possessed the external means to threaten us. There, in the depths, dwells our Father, who will know how to protect His children.