“Wait a little longer and continue to fulfil your task. I am your reward’ (Inner Word).

The more we love our Father, the more we long to be with Him in eternity. Let us remember how Jesus invited His disciples to rejoice with Him because He would soon return to the Father (Jn 14:28).

But the hour of our death, which our Father has chosen in His love, remains hidden from us. Meanwhile, day by day, He gives us the opportunity to lay up treasures in heaven. Saint Paul also exhorts us to “make the most of the time” (Eph 5:16).

In this way, the time we have left until death becomes an active waiting for the encounter with our heavenly Father, and in this way the relationship of trust with Him deepens more and more. How many times has God shown us His infinite patience, how many times has He loved us generously, how many times has He lifted us up, how many times has He corrected us or kept us from going wrong with a strong hand!

It is a love story that, by God’s grace, will not end dramatically, but will reach its consummation. If we look at the road ahead of us from this perspective, our waiting will not be just to hold out until the time is right, but love will be expressed every day in our deeds and our hearts will be filled even more with love for the Father.

Then, when the hour comes, we will be ready and our works will accompany us (cf. Rev 14:13). God knows them and none of them will be lost. Our Father Himself will be our reward and we will rejoice every day that we serve Him on earth.