“I have given you my heart so that love may never run dry” (Inner Word).
To love like the Lord, we need a new heart, the heart of our Heavenly Father. Otherwise, how can we overcome all the barriers that make our hearts so small and narrow?
To love as God loves… Is this possible?
Yes, it is! Let us remember Jesus’ exhortation to be perfect as our Father in heaven (Mt 5:48).
What else can this mean but to become like Him in the perfection of love? We cannot achieve this on our own, but with God’s grace it is possible if we live in our Father’s Heart and He in ours. Christian mysticism describes this as an “exchange of hearts”, alluding to the most intimate union with God in love.
It is our Father’s will that this union with Him take place, for He wants to dwell in our hearts. When God takes first place in it, His streams of grace can also flow through us to others. If we glorify God with every act of worship, with every act of abiding in Him, with every act of charity, this source will never run dry.
In this way, God’s love grows in us and takes over until everything is subject to it. Anything that does not have the splendour of this love will not suffice and will leave the soul restless and unsatisfied until it is again in harmony with God’s love.
Indeed, everything must be imbued with love, even the smallest and most insignificant things, because nothing is excluded from our Father’s love. He has done everything well!
What a gift our Father grants us when He offers us His Heart! From Him we receive grace upon grace and His love will never run dry. Thus the victory of love is realised in us for the glory of God and the good of humanity.