“Who among you walks in darkness and has no light, let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God” (cf. Is 50:10b).

The Heavenly Father will sustain us in all of life’s situations, at all times, and wherever we are.

Here on earth we begin to become aware of this, and in eternity we will clearly see how the Lord has accompanied and protected us in our lives. This is especially true during the “dark days” of our existence, whether we experience them on a personal level or on a general level due to the darkness that is spreading throughout the world because of the estrangement from our Father and His wise commandments.

But it is precisely when a shadow hangs over our soul and we are unable to see the light that the Lord is especially close to us.

If the darkness of sin has fallen upon us, our Father is waiting for us to accept His merciful love, which forgives us and raises us up.

If the darkness is due to other causes and we see no way out, we must persevere with trust in the Lord until His light shines again.

When our soul is plunged into sadness by our own suffering or, even more, by the suffering of others, it must pray and cling to the certainty that our Father knows all the pain of humanity and, in the Person of His Son, descends into the deepest human abysses to bring His light there.

When the darkness of despair over the unhealthy state of the world envelops us, let us rely solely on the love of our Heavenly Father, who never tires of trying to save humanity.

When we experience the night of the soul and spirit on our spiritual path, we must continue with an act of “naked” faith in God.

He is always our Father in whom we can trust without the slightest reservation!