357th Meditation

“My Son, I am your Father. Trust in me without limits, for I love you, and I love especially those who want to resemble my Son” (Interior Word).

Our Heavenly Father invites us to trust without limits.

To trust without limits means to abandon ourselves to God with our whole existence, knowing that it will never be a mistake to trust Him in this way. It is evident that the Father takes great pleasure in this trust, because then we take His love seriously and open the doors so that He can grant it to us. Of course, trust is not lightness or recklessness; it is the surrender of the heart.

A wonderful journey begins when we learn not to withhold anything from the Lord. The Father also gives us the reason why we can trust Him; a simple reason, but, at the same time, unfathomably profound: “My son, I am your Father.”

These words contain everything we need, because deep down we are aware of our limitations as creatures; we know that we do not owe it to ourselves, but that we were called into existence by a good God. And this good God reveals Himself to us as a loving Father and tells us: “You come from me and I will never abandon you. Indeed, I will always accompany you. I could not fail to do so, because you are imprinted on my heart.”

If we, who try to resemble His beloved Son, welcome these words of our Father, the inner door of our heart will open and, in place of our creaturely insecurity, the love of the Father will enter into it, forever placing His dwelling place in us. To this inner dwelling place we can withdraw at all times, come what may, because He always treats us as His children.

If we live in this way, each day becomes a deeper encounter with the Father and a stage on the way to living with Him forever in eternity.