100th Meditation on God the Father

Today marks one hundred days since we started with these daily reflections to know, honor and love our Heavenly Father more deeply; that is, this is the hundredth meditation of the “3 minutes for Abba”. Because of this, we have reason enough to thank our Father and all those who cooperate with us, pray for us and listen to us.

“Trust in me, I am your Father!” (inner word).

These words synthesize what we have time and again thematized in these daily meditations. Our Heavenly Father wants us to have unreserved trust in Him. The reason is simple and, at the same time, profound and unfathomable: “I am your Father.” This is enough!

It is as if the Father wants to say to us: “Being your Father in heaven, I cannot help but love you. When you understand this, you will recognize that this certainty is reason enough to give me all your trust. In me you will always be sheltered.”

Trusting means letting go of all the life projects we have designed, all our illusions, and handing them over completely to God, together with our whole being. Precisely in this lies what is great, what transforms our life, because in this way our Father truly becomes the center of all our thinking and acting. Moreover, we allow God to take the reins of our life and we dedicate ourselves to practicing the “works which God has prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph 2:10).

Even if we are confronted with issues and circumstances that we cannot understand and that are beyond our capacity, we place ourselves in the hands of our Father. Thus, these do not become nagging doubts that gnaw at us; rather, they lie in the Wisdom of God. Perhaps He will make us understand them in due time!

The past, the present and the future belong to our Father, and from His hand we accept them. And why can we then live with true unconcern? Simply because our God is a most loving Father! It is as simple as that and as true as that!