“No one can be a true friend of another without first being a friend of truth” (St. Augustine).

A wise saying of St. Augustine that reminds us of the authenticity of a true relationship. This requires a solid foundation. Human sympathy is not enough, nor is it permanent.

If we ask ourselves about the starting point of a true friendship, we will recognize a clear characteristic of our heavenly Father. Certainly, His love seeks all people and He offers His friendship to all without exception. However, this can only become a reality when a person awakens to the truth and seeks to conform his life to the commandments of our Heavenly Father.

To enter into and cultivate this friendship with God is an infinitely great gift that He offers us. He Himself places His trust in us, but He can only do so if we prove ourselves worthy as His friends and live in truth.

The same is true at the human level. It is true that relationships of all kinds can arise, but the true friendship of which St. Augustine speaks can only come about if we are first friends of the truth. This truth must become the measure that governs our lives and thus determines the quality of human relationships. The more rooted we are in truth, that is, in God Himself, the more subtly we can order the quality of love appropriate to each type of relationship.

For example, can we be friends with humanity in general? Yes, but this will only be possible if we ourselves live as friends of God and become messengers of the friendship He offers to all people. This is what the Father says in the message to Mother Eugenia Ravasio:

“…You must first learn to know Me better and to love Me to the extent that I desire, that is, not only as a Father, but as your Friend and Confidant”.