“If the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free” (Jn 8:36).
Only God can give us true freedom, for it consists in living in His Will, thus corresponding to the loving plan with which He created us. Often people believe that freedom consists in doing whatever one pleases, and so they fall into many dependencies. But no, true freedom is about doing what is right, living in the truth and adhering to it wholeheartedly. This is what God, in His love, offers us, while at the same time giving us the grace to put it into practice.
The Father gives us to understand it in these words of the Message to Mother Eugenia:
“Trust in Me as children do, because without this trust you will never be truly free (…). I come (…) to let you enjoy real freedom, whence real happiness comes”.
It is trust in God, the intimate and loving union with our Father, that teaches us to love His ways. In this trust of love everything is transformed and we discover the deepest meaning of our existence. In this way we understand that we are children of God’s love (cf. 1 Jn 3:1-2), and in this same love we want to do everything to correspond to it. This makes us truly free, and from this also comes true happiness, that is, a state of constant joy, undisturbed by anything. Even if we have to wait until eternity for this state to reach its fullness, already in this world begins the life in the freedom of the children of God, who know that they are loved by their heavenly Father, who correspond to His love and serve Him with joy.