“He has made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father” (Rev 1:6).

Could our Father raise us to a nobler status than this? Could He give us a higher dignity? Hardly! He wants to see His children crowned with glory and dignity (cf. Ps 8:6), to make them sharers in His glory. They will be kings and priests in His Kingdom and will shine like the sun (Mt 13:43).

It is His only begotten Son who “loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood” (Rev 1:5). It is He who has earned all this glory for us. Let us therefore join in the praise that resounds in the first chapter of the Book of Revelation: “To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever” (Rev 1:6).

Are we aware of our dignity? Can we look at ourselves and say: “Yes, our Father has indeed raised us to an unsurpassable dignity”? Can we look at others and say: “Yes, you too are called to this dignity, and if you sincerely follow the Lord, you too will belong to this royal race, to this kingdom of priests”?

Do we really need anything more to become aware of this immense gift? Do we really need to continue to seek the honor that comes from people? Do we have to prove our worth to them and seek their approval?

No! We must live in the freedom of God’s children and become aware of the dignity that our beloved Father Himself has given us.

The Church, too, must remain conscious of her dignity as teacher and herald of salvation, and not adapt herself to the world; otherwise she would lose her way and also her true dignity. She is called to follow her Lord, who has made human beings sharers in His royal dignity in order to redeem them.