“O my Jesus, I know that in order to be useful to souls I must long for the most intimate union with You, Who are eternal Love” (St. Faustina Kowalska).
Our fruitfulness for the salvation of souls depends on the intimacy of our union with God. Every day we are invited to deepen our love for the Lord and thus to be ever more united with our heavenly Father. In fact, Jesus introduced us to this love, as He makes clear in His priestly prayer in the Gospel of John: “I made known to them thy name, and I will make it known, that the love with which thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them” (Jn 17:26).
It is easy to understand St Faustina’s words, because the more God’s love grows in us, the more it will reach other people through us. In a way, it cannot stop in us, because love wants to pour out, and once it has filled a person’s heart, it will want to manifest itself and fill others through him or her. In this way we will become “apostles of fatherly love”, as our Father asks in the message to Sister Eugenia.
Then we will not have to constantly think about what we can do for our neighbour – as good as that is – but let ourselves be guided by love. This happens through the Holy Spirit, who will be able to guide us as love grows in us. His wise guidance will ensure that what we offer to people is true love because it always has the salvation of their souls in mind. Helping them to know our loving Heavenly Father or to meet Him more deeply is the greatest love we can give to others.