“Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil 2:11).

To acknowledge Jesus as Lord is not only important in the personal religious sphere, but it is the realisation of God’s plan for the whole of humanity. This is our Father’s plan: to gather all humanity in Christ to give them all that He has in store for them. Many passages of Sacred Scripture testify to this.

In the Message to Mother Eugenia, the desire of God, our Father, is also clearly expressed: that people recognise, honour and love Him as Father, and that a feast be celebrated in the Church and in the world in honour of the “Father of all humanity”.

The reign of God’s love over humanity is the salvation of this world, which is often alienated from God and largely under the yoke of Satan. Because of his influence, love on earth has become colder and colder, the most absurd things happen and chaos spreads.

But when Jesus gains dominion over souls, as God’s appointed Judge, human lives are ordered according to the wise guidance of our heavenly Father. He is glorified by all that Jesus said and did, and by what His disciples do in accordance with their Lord’s will.

Those who have responsibility for others need God’s guidance in a special way, so that His wisdom may reign in all areas of human life.

There is no doubt that we are far from achieving this in the world. But that should not discourage us. If the Lord can establish His reign in us to the glory of our heavenly Father, then at least there will be one healthy cell, one heart that belongs to Him. And then we can pray and help that there will be many more, to the glory of God the Father.