“You who are in the true light, tell them [mankind] how sweet it is to live in the truth!” (Father’s Message to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio).

This request springs from the depths of our Heavenly Father’s Heart and is addressed to all people who are in the true light. It is important to pay close attention to these words: only when we live in the “true light” are we able to give the witness that the world so urgently needs. Ambiguity only confuses people!

We live in the true light when we keep God’s commandments.

We live in the true light when we embrace the Gospel message without ambiguity or adulteration and follow Jesus.

We live in the true light when we abide by the authentic doctrine and commandments of the Church.

This is the fundamental requirement for us to be able to tell people “how sweet it is to live in the truth” and to help them recognize this truth.

Conveying the true image of our Father is part of this truth. Indeed, we can only live in the fullness of truth when our relationship with God is imbued with the love and trust that He Himself offers us.

Will it not be much easier to win people over when our heart belongs to God?

It is certainly possible to proclaim the truth objectively, and this will always be of great value in itself, even if we ourselves are not yet sufficiently purified. But how much more will this truth be able to penetrate the hearts of others if the one who bears witness to it is imbued with the savory gift of wisdom, so that through them, others will meet the Father’s love!

Let us tell people how wonderful it is to live in the truth, which sets us free (Jn 8:32) and refreshes us! Indeed, truth is that crystal-clear spring that flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb (cf. Rev 22:1). Let us tell them that God loves them and that He is infinitely good! All people must learn that their heavenly Father wants nothing more than to shower them with His love and that they must accept and reciprocate His love!