To know God

Sixth day of the novena to God Father

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In 1932, God Father appeared Madre Eugenia Ravasio. She wrote down the message of our Heavenly Father. After a long examination, the responsible bishop recognized the message as valid. So now we have a very precious little book: “A life for the glory of the Father.”

 In this little book, God’s Father speaks strongly of his love for us human beeings. In ever new turns and perspectives he tells us his love.

He lets us take a look into his heart and wants to lead mankind to recognize, to honor and to love him – to lead us to a true relationship with God.

How can we know better our heavenly Father?

Let speak the word of God to our heart and move this word in our heart like the Blessed Mother Mary. That’s how we get to know God better and better. Already in the Old Testament God testifies himself by speaking through his prophets. He is present in them and shares with his people.

Anyone who knows the history of Gods chosen people knows about the love of God for his people, his worries, his desire to be with his people.

He speaks to Moses face to face (see Ex 33:11).

Our father does not remain unnown. With his word he gives us also his spirit to understand him.

God comes very close to us in his Son Jesus Christ. In him the Father is completely present. “He who sees me sees the Father” (Jn 14: 9).

In all what Jesus says and does, we recognize God. In Jesus the whole love of our Father is revealed to us, who sent him to us for our salvation. In all the teachings and deeds of the Lord we are told about the love of our Father.

Especially we recognize the love of the Father at the Cross of Jesus, where the son of God gives his life for us.

Let us look at the cross and try to understand that it is God himself who offers us his mercy and redeems us through his suffering and death. The heart of God is wide open, our Father is calling his children to come home, wherever they are.

Then we can recognize the love of the Father in the tabernacles of this world in which Jesus is present, waiting for us.

In the celebration of the Holy Mass and the Holy Communion we receive him, the Father gives us his presence in his Son.

The Father’s presence in our souls is infinitely luminous through the presence of the Holy Spirit.

He, the Holy Spirit is our comforter and reminds us of all what Jesus has said and done. He is the one who transforms us into the image of Christ. Here, our Father has opened a way to stay with us and live with us permanently in all situations.

There are so many ways to recognize God: His presence in the Holy Church, in the souls of the saints, in the ways of history, in the beauty and silence of nature, in art and in music, and much more. All this is to let us understand the love-song of our father!

It is up to us to listen, to recognize the most precious voice of our Father.Our father calls us into a familiar relationship and wants that we take time for him. How much can he give a soul when the soul comes to him and opens at the bottom of the heart to him!

Let us ask our most holy Mother Mary to help us to understand the Love of our heavenly Father!