“I will make your heart a throne of my glory and of my mercy” (Inner Word).
These words are addressed to all those who have given their hearts to our Heavenly Father and who long to belong to Him completely and undivided; to all those who have set out and never look back; to all those who have left the “onions of Egypt” and followed the words: “Forget your people and your father’s house; the king will desire your beauty” (Ps 45:10b-11a).
Is there any greater love than that which comes from the One who is love itself (1 Jn 4:8)? And what does the Beloved do once we have given Him our heart? It happens just as it says in the opening words: Our heart becomes a throne on which the Holy One sits and exercises His gentle dominion.
Then the Heavenly Father will take the place that is due to Him and that has always corresponded to Him in our hearts. This is the abode He seeks, as He expresses it in the message to Mother Eugenia: “Seek souls who will unselfishly dedicate themselves to My glorification and who will willingly offer Me the place of My rest [in the hearts of My creatures]”.
In reality, what happens then is the most normal thing, which God has ordained from all eternity, but which does not happen as often as His love would like: The person recognises his Creator as Father, is inflamed with love for him, and his Heavenly Father unites with him.
Through the indwelling of the Holy Trinity, man’s heart becomes a temple of God’s glory and mercy, which is to reach out to mankind. It is God’s love that completely transforms our heart so that He can always remain in it.
And what about us? We have already arrived home, and yet we are still on our way, until this union of love with God reaches its fullness in eternity, undisturbed. What a prospect!
Isn’t love worth giving everything for?