“If you kept a record of our sins, Lord,

who could stand their ground?

But with you is forgiveness,

that you may be revered” (Ps 130:3-4).

In view of the gravity of sin, we can only be silent before the Lord of heaven and earth. Who could stand before the justice of God? What unspeakable torment awaits a soul that obstinately persists in grave sin, without seeking or accepting God’s forgiveness! An eternity separated from the Father who loves without limit and spent instead being tortured by merciless demons… What a frightful horizon!

However terrible this reality may be, it can be a useful jolt and become an anchor of salvation for us, because then the mercy of God will come forth to meet us with all the more splendor.

From God proceeds forgiveness, because His unchangeable will is to grant us His love, in spite of the gravity of our sin.  If the sinner understands this, and welcomes God’s love with wonder and gratitude, he will be imbued with reverence, as the psalmist says.

Moreover, the soul hears the Lord say: “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” (Is 1:18).

Even the greatest sinner can become a saint, if only he accepts grace of forgiveness. And to all of us who want to serve our Father, these words are addressed to us, which the Lord communicated to Sister Benigna Consolata, a soul called to be an “Apostle of Mercy”:

“If you want to give me a reason for joy, believe in my love; if you want to give me an even greater reason for joy, believe even more in my love; but you will give me the greatest reason for joy when you believe without limits in my love”.