“The kings of the earth and the great men and the generals and the rich and the strong, and every one, slave and free, hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand before it?’” (Rev 6:15-17)

This passage described in Revelation takes place after the Lamb has opened the sixth seal of the book and brought forth new apocalyptic plagues.

These are times of God’s justice, designated here as “the great day of His wrath”. There can be no true mercy without justice, and transgression of God’s commandments attracts His “wrath” unless conversion and reparation are made. No one can escape God’s righteous judgement. Revelation describes how even the martyrs, who gave their lives for the Lord and are with Him forever, cry out to Him for justice (Rev 6:10).

“The great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand before it?”

No one can hide from the sight of our heavenly Father and the “wrath of the Lamb”. Indeed, why should we hide? Our Heavenly Father’s gaze is always full of love, seeking to draw even the most hardened sinner to Himself. The blood of the Lamb is always there for washing away our sins, and the Lord even uses plagues to call people to conversion.

So what is there to fear?

People can deliberately close themselves off from God and refuse to repent. Even in such cases, our Father still looks upon them with love. But their hearts are so closed that this loving gaze can no longer reach them. Let us think of Judas Iscariot. Even after he had completed his betrayal, the Lord still addressed him as “friend”: “Friend, why are you here?” (Mt 26:50). But this gesture could no longer touch Judas. He had become Satan’s prey and could no longer open himself to the love that the Lord was constantly offering him.

And what about our Father’s love for all people? When people persist in sin, it remains unrequited and is even rejected. Then the person itself attracts judgement and falls under the “wrath of God”.