Our loving Father wants to dwell in our souls and build his temple in them. As St. Paul tells us, we are called to be the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:9). So it is not only the majestic and beautiful cathedrals where the Lord dwells in the tabernacle; but at all times and in all places we can find Him in our own heart, which becomes the tabernacle of His grace. Thus speaks the Father in the Message concerning the action of the Holy Spirit:

“The work of this third Person of My divinity is carried out silently and often man is not aware of it. But for Me it is a very fitting way of living, not just in the tabernacle, but also in the souls of all those in a state of grace, to establish My throne in them and to live there always, like the true Father Who loves, protects and helps His children. No one can imagine the joy I experience when I am alone with a soul!”

Let us become aware that, in this way, the Father is always in us and initiates an exchange of love with us! His divine presence permeates our inner being, and when we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, this trusting and intimate relationship with our Father will become more and more natural. The Holy Spirit Himself will set aside all obstacles. Then the security of love enters the soul and it is strengthened from within. The gifts of the Holy Spirit make it a glorious temple, in which our Father can dwell with delight and build His throne.

God’s dwelling in the soul is foreseen for each person, for how could He forget His creatures, whom He has called to life! Let us go out with the Lord to cast the net of love, so that many people may respond to His invitation and, having returned to the state of grace, God may build His throne in them.