470th Meditation

In His compassion, our Father embraces our entire reality. As Creator he has granted us a wonderful existence as human beings, which we must live fully in His grace. He always invites us to receive everything from His hand, so that we can lead a life that corresponds to our vocation. Our Father has thought of us from all eternity, and when the time came to call us into existence, He lovingly pronounced his creative “Yes”. If we were more aware of this, that God-given peace would always dwell in our hearts.

However, the Father also has mercy on our weaknesses. He knows well our limitations and imperfections, the burdens we have to carry, our bad inclinations and sins.

That is why He has opened the way for us to return again and again to the fullness of love when we have failed: “Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest”, Jesus tells us (Mt 11:28). He wants to give rest to our souls.

In the Message to Mother Eugenia, the Father tells us:

“Of course, I can understand My children’s weaknesses! Because of this, I asked My Son to give them the means to get up again after they have fallen. These means will help them to purify themselves from their sins, so that they may still be the children of My love. They are, chiefly, the seven Sacraments. And the greatest means of securing your salvation, despite your falls, is the Cross, My Son’s Blood poured out upon you every moment, if you so wish, both in the Sacrament of Penance and in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.”