484th Meditation

“I am the light of lights (…) This light will lighten the ways which lead to the true Catholic Church” (Father’s Message to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio).

For people who do not yet know the Christian faith, there is an organic way to encounter the light of our Father and to follow His Son, a way that leads them to the true Catholic Church.

Our Father invites His children to the table of grace that He has prepared for them and abundantly served in His Church. Thus, we become good children of the Church and servants of the “light of lights” – which is our Father Himself – if we invite people to this path, help them to find it and teach them to walk it to the end.

How could we deprive people of this grace, how could we dare to hinder them on their way to the source of life by considering and even proclaiming all religions as if they were parallel paths to salvation?

How could we fail to tell them that God offers to all people the communion of His Church as a sure way to salvation, and that the true Catholic Church really exists? If we failed to do so, would we not be neglecting our service to the Father of lights and failing in the mission entrusted to the Church? Is it not true that our Father, in addition to making His love known to all people, wants to lead them to the Church He founded through His Son and offer them a true home here on earth?

Let us not be deceived and let us always remain faithful to the true Church, which will never tire of proclaiming salvation to all people and inviting them to the marriage supper of the Lamb. She will help them to put on the suitable garment of the feast, so that the Father may receive them with great joy.