“The Heart of Mary is a pure and holy enclosure for encountering God” (Interior Word).

Is there another heart besides that of Jesus in which Our Father could dwell with all His love? Yes, in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As the Church truthfully teaches us, the Virgin Mary, by an act of God’s grace, was preserved from original sin in view of the mission that was to be entrusted to her. She pronounced an unreserved “yes” to God’s will, thus making visible in Mary what our Father willed for His own.

Our Lady’s simple “yes” allowed our Father to live in her heart and make it the dwelling place of His love. The Father’s love for the Virgin Mary went so far as to entrust to her His only Son, the Redeemer of all humanity, to be born of her and to live with her.

In the spiritual battle in which we are immersed, our heart is also at stake. To whom does it belong? Does it really belong to our Father, or will the enemy be able to take us away from Him?

In the Virgin Mary, whom the Lord left as our Mother (cf. Jn 19:27), we find a Heart that belongs entirely to God; a Heart that is fully awakened to love. She offers this Heart to her children so that through love their hearts may become like hers. Satan will no longer be able to exert his influence on a heart pervaded by the love of God. In such a heart our Father has triumphed and His light shines.

People and nations are invited to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary so that the Father’s love may dwell in their hearts without reserve and so that the peace that God wants to give may come. That would be the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!