“Your measure is not the shadows, but the fire of my love” (Inner Word).

If we, as disciples of the Lord, are attentive to the signs of the times, it will not have escaped our notice that the shadows on earth are increasing. It seems that the powers of darkness are trying by all means to take over the world and to subjugate people.

However, our Father does not want us to be paralysed in the face of the machinations of darkness, nor does He want us to be constantly on the lookout for their evil plans. The darkness and its rulers have already been defeated, although the Lord’s victory has yet to extend to the whole earth. Our Father invites us to live in this awareness that we are on the winning side. It is the triumph of light over darkness, of truth over error, of purity of heart over all evil. As Catholics we can also say: It is the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Our Father calls us to turn our gaze to this victory of love and to see how the fire of His love always tears the dark night and thwarts the attacks of evil. This is where we must focus our attention and take it as our measure.

If we look at this triumph of love – and we will discover it always and everywhere – if our eyes are opened and we begin to live in this victory of love and light, then we too will drive away the darkness.

This will be possible if our gaze remains unwavering on the Lord, just as Jesus did everything with His gaze fixed on the Father. In the fire of God’s love lies the key to not succumbing to the delirium of darkness and to countering its attempts to intimidate us with spiritual weapons.