332nd Meditation

“As long as man does not live in the truth, he cannot taste real freedom” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

Without truth, there can be no real freedom. “The truth will set you free” – the Lord tells us in the Gospel. Only living in accordance with the Father will lead us to where true freedom dwells.

It is for this freedom that we have been created, so that with our will, our heart and our whole soul, we may be in agreement with the truth – which is God Himself – and live in it.

From this, then, comes true freedom, when we assent to the truth that we have recognised and live in accordance with it. Outside of this reality, human beings will always lack something. That freedom which they seek at various levels is of a secondary nature and can never possess all its fullness, because only “if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free” (Jn 8:36).

Let us remember that in Paradise the “father of lies” (Jn 8:44) deceived man, making him believe by means of a lie that God was depriving him of something important (Gen 3:1). A lie that distorted the image of our loving Father; a lie with which the enemy of mankind keeps trying again and again to lead people away from God and to shake their trust in their loving Father.

This spirit dupes people by promising them a freedom which is practically the opposite of true freedom, in order to enslave them, for lies and error eventually lead to slavery.

But if human beings sincerely turn to their Heavenly Father, He will send them a ray of His light and give them a first taste of true freedom. If they continue on this path and begin to live in truth, then they will feel more and more true freedom and it will penetrate deep into them. To the extent that love and truth – that is, the Lord Himself – govern their lives, true freedom will grow in them, and they will be able to walk their way as people whom the Lord has set free.