“We escaped like a bird from the fowlers’ snare.

The snare was broken and we escaped;

our help is in the name of the Lord,

who made heaven and earth.” (Ps 124:7-8)

We can adhere with deep gratitude to the praise that the psalmist offers the Lord. Indeed, the “hunter” places many traps around our soul to draw it away from God. Far greater than our human enemies, are the powers of evil that threaten us. They like to take advantage of our weaknesses and of the seduction of the world to set various traps with which they intend to ensnare us. These are traps that want to harm and entangle us. In fact, when sin dominates and darkens our lives, we are unable to free ourselves by our own strength. It seems impossible to escape from the trap; a stronger One must come to our aid (Lk 11:22)!

Our Father has broken the net that enveloped us and His Son sent His disciples to cast the new net: the net of love. People must find their home in the Father’s love and He does everything possible to make them aware of it. “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed,” the Lord tells us (Jn 8:36).

Indeed, who else but God Himself could save us from the many snares of the fowler? Who else but God gives His own life to save those who, because of sin, are His enemies (cf. Col 1:21)? Who else but God is able to forget our sins and disregard our crimes, thanks to the sacrifice of His Son?

“The snare was broken, and we escaped.”

We escape and are free when we follow the One who redeemed us.

We are free when we live in truth.

We are free when we listen to the voice of love.

We are free when we realize the design our Heavenly Father had for our lives.

We are free when we always and everywhere give first place to our Father.

We are free and escape the trap when we rise again after having fallen into sin and immerse ourselves in the mercy of God.

We are free when we overcome human respects.

We are free when God becomes more important to us than our own life (cf. Lk 14:26).