“Every day is important; in every hour I offer my salvation to people” (Inner Word).
These words remind us of Saint Paul’s exhortation: “Make the most of the time” (Eph 5:16). They call us to great vigilance and to be attentive to the guidance of our Father. Indeed, this vigilance helps us to remain aware of the importance of the salvation of souls, which we would otherwise be in danger of forgetting in the course of time.
Not so with our Heavenly Father. He always has the most important thing in mind: the salvation of man. Because of His love for us, our salvation is in the foreground, because He wants to have us with Him forever, now and in eternity.
We can therefore learn this watchfulness from God Himself. In this way it takes on a supernatural character and purifies our human efforts, which can easily lead us into a certain tension. God’s great and attentive love, which accompanies us on the path of salvation, is complemented by His divine patience, which never gives up and tries to reach people in all situations of their lives.
The combination of God’s watchful love and infinite patience results in a loving attitude that does not harden, but does not relax either. If we asimilate and imitate this attitude of our Father, we can expect our efforts to be fruitful, because then it will be divine love itself that will go out through us in search of those who want to open their eyes to see salvation. Then we become God’s beloved co-workers, transformed by His love and patience, so that we are not only servants of His longing for souls, but also recipients of His love.